Adventures in Photography, Initial impressions using a view camera.


Picture #2 Smith Plantation Roswell GA
P55, ISO50, f 11, 1/8sec, 180mm lens

After viewing the results of the first pictue Al suggested moving the camera forward and getting a more detailed composition of the front porch with less trees and grass. So we moved the camera, releveled, refocused, and changed to a portrait composition. Al also felt the chairs on the porch needed rearranging.

We then took a meter reading. Based on our previous experience we changed the spot where we wanted the reading taken from. The reading was taken in front of the porch near a column. Al and I discussed how the image would turn out if the meter reading was used, and decided a slight under exposure would yield better whites and color separation on the columns. The sun was brighter on one side than the other and we wanted to highlight this. The meter suggested f11 at 1/6th sec, but we chose f11 at 1/8th for less exposure.

Al then loaded the holder and film and made the exposue. The exposure was correct, but the convergence of the columns was not desirable. Notice the far left column leans inward. There was also too much grass in the foreground and the windows were clipped in the upper right. We would fix these items in the next exposure.

some damage to the print occurred while wet, some repairs made in Photoshop

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all text and images © Eric Searing 2004