I visited my favorite local pond supply store today, Wakoola, to pick up some black foam (to tweak the waterfall a bit more) and sealant (to recoat the faceplate of the skimmer).
While I was there I also picked up a couple of plants for the bog. A Virginia iris which is a purple blooming flower and Horsetail. Horsetail resembles bamboo a little, green with black rings like a bamboo plant. I planted them toward the back edge of the bog so they have plenty of room to grow forward. These were left overs from last year so I got a little discount on them. I figure if they survived this winter we had in Georgia, there isn’t much I can do to kill them. I also found some moss growing near a tree in my neighbors yard and scooped a bit up to add to a gap in the falls where water tends to splash.
Another $50 for the pond. Fortunately they did not have any fish yet so no temptations there.