September Pond Conditions

September Pond Conditions
Water temps down to 66 degrees thanks to a recent cold front and rain. Evening temperatures are high 60s, daytime up around 80.
PH is hovering around 7 since recalibrating ph meter.
Plants are still thriving in the veggie filter.
Algae is gone since application of Algaefix. Added a barley bale to filter to help fight algae until cooler temps set in.

Water temp 70*, Air temp 75*, Ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrates 0, PH 7.5.
All seems to be in balance, water is still mostly clear. but I added some koi clay.
Performed major cleaning of the waterco prefilter and other filters today.

Water temp 67*, air temp 60-75*, PH 8.2
Some algae starting to come back. Barley bale not working even at lower temps.

Water temp 68*, air temp 60-85*, PH 8.2, Ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrates 0
Pond losing water again, I wonder if there is a hole that gets blocked by algae sometimes or if it is just the plant expiration on the last few hot and windy days.

Water temp 71*, air temp 76-80*, PH 7.9
Major rainstorm last night.
Pulled the hyacinth back about 5 inches from the top edge of the falls and the water loss is minimized. Having it at the edge may be backing up the water in the veggie filter and causing it to overflow.

Water temp 72*, air temp – 70-85*, PH 8.3, Amonia 0, Nitrites 0, nitrates 0.
Reworked pipes back to jets/returns and buried pipe. Put ball valve on filter side so I can shut it down in winter if needed but keep water flowing to the jets.

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